Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby Heinze coming this spring!!

So as of today (January 5, 2009) Brett and I are 20 weeks pregnant, we are super excited to welcome "junior" this spring, we are waiting to find out if it will be a boy or a girl, Baby Heinze is due May 29, 2009! Brett is hoping for a girl and I am hoping for a boy...
anyone have any name suggestions? or anyone think they can tell if it will be a boy or girl, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Below are the first pictures we got from our first ultrasound on December 17, 2009 at 17 weeks..

pregnant. Pictures, Images and Photos


Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks


  1. Woo hoo there actually IS a baby in there...I LOVE IT!!! :-)
    Auntie Kel

  2. Oh yah and I say it's a girl ;-)
    Auntie Kel
